A series of indoor led screen Projects

Projects of indoor led screen, From conference room, school classroom, shopping mall, from 1.25mm - 5mm pixel pitch
P2.5mm indoor led screen
  1. Tepixel has two series indoor small pixel pitch led screen, Akra series and endo series.
  2. 16:9 Ratio cabinet and 4:3 ratio cabinet for different application
  3.  Pixel pitch from 1.25mm to 5mm, to meet different project  applications

Fixed installation indoor led screen project

pixel pitch 1.87mm Conference room indoor led screen video effect

P2.5mm Media room indoor led screen video effect

P3mm shopping mall indoor led screen visual effect

P4mm stage indoor led screen

P4 stage indoor led screen

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Tepixel was founded in 2006 and is one of the largest and most professional LED screen manufacturers in Foshan. We mainly focus on Flexible LED screens, especially for customized shape-led screen projects. Transparent led screen…

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