Column LED Screen with Flexible led screen

Column LED Screen is a very popular application of the flxeible led screen, It is very easy to install, and make the column become another advertising media
Column led screen

Column led screen which would make your shop more vivid, and unqiue

Column led screen specs:

Pixel pitch 1.8mm

Column diameter: 2m

Taux de rafraîchissement : 3840 Hz

The installation process is very easy

1: First we design the frame based on the column’s size

column led screen frame

2: Installed the frame on the column, and attach the led module on the frame

column led screen frame2
Led screen on the frame

3:  Config and testing

Column led screen config
config and test the led screen2
Column led screen-aging

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À propos de nous

Tepixel a été fondée en 2012 et est l'un des fabricants d'écrans LED créatifs les plus importants et les plus professionnels de Shenzhen. Nous nous concentrons principalement sur les écrans LED flexibles, en particulier pour les projets d'écrans LED de forme personnalisée. Écran LED transparent…

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