12 de junio de 2022
Church Indoor LED Screen
With its sharp image, video displaying ability, LED Screen becomes more and more common in Church use. It helps the father to convey the information to the poeple more easily, and also enrich the whole process.
Circle Transparent LED Screen
Now Transparent LED Screen can also make into customized shape with curved transparent led screen cabinet. Like circle shape, sphere ball shape, and many other shapes
Transparent LED Screen Used In Film Festival
Transparent led screen, besides uts fixed installation, it is also very popular in rental market use. As the moving heads light can easy pass through the screen, makeing it more attractive. This project was used in a film festival, due to its transparent feature, the image showed on the screen looks sharp and 3 dimensional
Seis factores importantes a tener en cuenta a la hora de instalar una pantalla LED en exteriores
Debido al alto brillo, los colores brillantes y la imagen clara de las pantallas LED, se han convertido en el soporte publicitario más popular, especialmente para pantallas LED para exteriores. Para la instalación de pantallas LED para exteriores, hay muchos factores a tener en cuenta antes de la instalación, como el viento, la lluvia, el calor y los truenos, etc.