Column LED Screen with Flexible led screen
Column LED Screen is a very popular application of the flxeible led screen, It is very easy to install, and make the column become another advertising media
Column LED Screen is a very popular application of the flxeible led screen, It is very easy to install, and make the column become another advertising media
Flexible LED Screen is very popular in makeing creative LED Screen product, With the flexible feature, it can be made into different shapes, The ribbon like shape is one of the most popular shape in flexible led screen
This is a 20m long double side Ribbon like Creative Flexible led screen project installed in the city centre of Groningen in Netherlands. With dimensions 20m L x 127cm W x 9,4 cm T. Was made up by Pixel pitch 4mm Flexible led module
وفقًا لشركة Allied Market Research، سيستمر حجم سوق شاشات LED في الارتفاع من 7.65 مليار دولار في عام 2021 إلى 12.3 مليار دولار في عام 2026، ومن المتوقع أن يكون معدل الزيادة 10% على أساس سنوي. حيث يتم إنتاج ما يقرب من 90% من شاشات LED في العالم في الصين. فيما يلي أفضل 10 شركات مصنعة لشاشات LED